What Is The Key To Winning On Slot Machines

Slot machines often get a bad rap from gambling writers. But the truth is, slot machines are the perfect gambling activity for certain types of people. They’re easy to understand, they’re easy to play, and they offer the possibility of big winnings.

Avoid playing progressive slot machines. These machines have a higher number of reels and more symbols. The odds of winning are lower than most regular slot machines. Placement of the machines is key as well. Most casinos will place 'loose' slot machines, ones with better payouts, in locations that are productive to the room. A $10 free chip gives you the chance to win at slots without the risk of losing a (real) dime. Investing some time in searching for no deposit bonus codes can dramatically increase your chances to play slots for free, while winning for real. 2 – Divide and conquer – not the slot machines, but the casinos. There is no sure-fire way to beat a slot machine; the odds are generally against the player. The machines are designed to take more money than they give and to make a profit for the casino. To turn the odds in your favor, however, you can educate yourself on the payout percentages of each machine, and to use strategies that will help you win a.

The unicorns that most gamblers are looking for in the casino, though, are the loosest slot machines. What does that mean?

When a gambler describes a slot machine as “loose” or “tight,” she’s usually referring to the payback percentage for the game. Slots with a higher payback percentage than average are loose, while slots with a lower payback percentage than average are tight. Loose slots usually have a higher hit ratio than tight slots, too.

You’ll find plenty of inaccurate information about how to find the loosest slot machines in the casino. I try to avoid most of those inaccuracies in this post, but I do want to begin with a warning:

The probabilities involved with slot machines are “opaque.” That means you don’t have any way of knowing what the payback percentage for any particular slot machine game is. The random number generator that determines the outcomes is programmed to have each symbol come up with a certain probability, but there’s no way of knowing if that number has been set to 1/6 or 1/60. Even observing a large number of spins only provides limited insight into these probabilities.

You do know what the payouts are for the various combinations. But since that’s only half the equation, you can’t really know whether a game is loose or tight except anecdotally. I’m going to assume that anecdotal evidence has some value, but in terms of math, science, and statistics, anecdotal has no value at all.

1- Look for the Loose Slot Machines in the Locations Where Loose Slot Machines Are Found

Casino mapping is a real thing, but it’s not as simple as some gamblers would have you believe. If finding the loose slot machines were as easy as just playing the games located nearest the walkways, everyone would play those games to the exclusion of the other games.

That being said, it might be worth giving those games a try if they look like fun. They’re not more likely to be tighter than the other machines than any other game on the casino floor.

I’ve read that some areas in the casino have lower payout machines than others, and it might be wise to avoid games in those areas. These might include:

  • The main slot machine floor. These games probably see the most action, so it would make sense for them to have lower payback percentages.
  • Near the table games. These games see more than their fair share of action, too. The same reasoning would apply.
  • Near the poker room. I’ve seen some gamblers swear that these are the worst machines in the casino. You have to wonder about a poker player who spends a lot of time playing slots, though.

Of course, there are other locations where the loosest machines might be located. Depending on whom you believe, these might include:

  • Anywhere that gets more traffic than usual. For example, if a slot machine is located near the elevators, it might have higher payouts to attract play from someone who might not otherwise play.
  • Anywhere that another gambler recommends. This is, of course, the classic mistake—relying on anecdotal evidence. It’s possible, though, that you might find a slot machine player who’s been paying close attention and knows where the loose machines are.

In fact, that leads me to my next point…

2- Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

The obvious person to ask about the location in the casino of the loosest slot machines is someone who works there. This isn’t a guarantee that she’ll be able to direct you to a loose machine, but she might have some insight based on her observations. Depending on how long she’s worked at the casino, she’s probably seen tens of thousands of even hundreds of thousands of gamblers over her career there. She might have noticed that a lot of them seem to be winning on slot machines in a certain location.

What Is The Key To Winning On Slot Machines
In fact, some casino employees even have their own favorite machines. If they play slots, they might have more insight into where the hottest machines are than you could imagine. Don’t pay much attention to the employee who tells you where last week’s big winner hit, though. That has no predictive value at all.

If you’re dealing with a cocktail waitress, it’s a good idea to tip generously. For that matter, no matter what they do at the casino, if they try to help you find a loose gambling machine, tip them. At some casinos, employees are forbidden from suggesting specific games. Sometimes you’ll find casino employees who just don’t want to be bothered with such concerns, too. Don’t be a jerk if that’s the case.

3- Don’t Play Slot Machines That AREN’T in Casinos

In towns like Las Vegas, slot machines are everywhere, in all kinds of businesses. Every bar in the city seems to have some slot machines. The airport is full of slot machines, too. You can even find slot machines in the gas stations and convenience stores.

We know one thing for certain about slot machine games in these non-casino locations:

They don’t pay out well. The payback percentage for airport slots in Las Vegas are the worst in the city. Bars aren’t much better, either. The owners and operators of these businesses figure they’re the only game in town and have a captive audience. So they set the payback percentages for those games accordingly.

Casinos, on the other hand, are competing with other casinos for the mindshare and hard-earned dollars of the casino gamblers. Since they’re in competition with the other casinos, they must offer payback percentages that are as good as their competitors’ or better.

This is one ironclad rule for finding the loosest slot machines in the casino:

ONLY play slot machines in a casino, not the slot machines in other businesses. That’s as good a starting point as any. The difference could be as significant as the difference between a 94% payback percentage and a 74% payback percentage.

Assuming you’re a conservative, low-stakes player, here’s the difference in predicted hourly loss between those 2 examples:

  • Assume 400 spins per hour at $1.25 per spin, for $500 per hour in action.
  • A game with a 94% payback percentage will see predicted losses of $30/hour.
  • A game with a 74% payback percentage, though, will see predicted losses of $130/hour.

If that difference doesn’t seem significant to you, what are you doing playing penny slots anyway?

4- Look for the Plainest, Most Boring Games with the Fewest Paylines

Generally, the slot machines with lots of paylines have lower payout percentages. They’re able to compensate for this psychologically by having a high hit frequency. With 25 paylines, you might win something on almost every spin, even if it’s an amount lower than the amount you wagered in total.

For example, you might be playing a penny game with a max bet of 5 coins and 25 paylines. You’re betting $1.25 every time you spin the reels. Many times, 1 or 2 paylines might win, but the payout on those bets might only be 50 cents. That’s a lot compared to the nickel you bet on that individual payline, but you bet on 25 paylines, remember?

The human brain gets just as much of an endorphin rush from a “win” like that as it does a profitable win of more than your wager. The brain chemistry can’t tell the difference. That’s why it’s up to you make smart decisions about which games you play. If you can, find an old-fashioned looking slot machine with a single payline right down the middle. It should look mechanical, even though it’s powered by the same random number generator computer program as the other slot machines in the casino.

Since such games have no bonus features or bells and whistles, the casino can afford to have them pay out more than the big fancy games. I had a lot of fun on The Big Lebowski slot machines recently, but I can’t even imagine what such a big impressive game like that must cost a casino. The cost of the machine alone must be outrageous.

5- Stick with the Flat Top Slot Machines

Slot machines can be broadly lumped into 2 different categories:

  • Progressives
  • Flat tops

A flat top slot machine is a game with a jackpot (top prize) of a fixed amount. This amount is usually 1000 times the size of your bet, give or take.

A progressive, on the other hand, has a jackpot that grows bigger as you play. The casino is able to grow the size of the jackpot by taking a tiny percentage of each bet and applying it to the jackpot amount. That amount can be seen as coming directly off the payback percentage for the game. Even if that’s not exactly how it works, when you think of how a payback percentage works, it might as well work that way. You won’t get rich playing flat top machines, but you’ll lose less money on them in the long run.

For that matter, you probably won’t get rich playing progressive slots, either. The odds of winning the jackpot are just terrible, comparable to playing the lottery. Sure, some people win the lottery. But I can’t imagine playing a game with a house edge that large repeatedly, hundreds of times per hour.

6- Play the Highest Denomination Game You Can Afford

You’d probably be surprised to know that penny slots are often as expensive to play (or even more expensive) than dollar slots. Here’s why:

Most penny slots require you to wager 5 credits or more per spin. It’s also hard to resist betting on multiple paylines. It’s easy to find a game with 5 coin bets on each line and with 25 paylines. Before you know it, you’re betting $1.25 on every spin.

But you could switch to a dollar slot machine and probably do a lot better. For one thing, you could just bet a dollar per spin on a single payline. Now you’re betting less per spin than you were on the quarter machine. But what’s really impressive is the difference in payback percentage.

According to The American Casino Guide, the average payback percentage for penny slots on The Strip in Las Vegas is 88.49%. On the other hand, dollar slots on The Strip average 92.63%. That’s a difference of roughly 4%, but what’s the difference in your bottom line?

Suppose you play 600 spins per hour on that penny machine. You’re putting $750 in action each hour–$1.25 per spin multiplied by the 600 spins per hour. With an 88.49% payback percentage, in the long run, you’ll average $663.68 back per hour. That’s an average loss per hour of $86.33.

No play those same 600 spins on a dollar machine, betting only a dollar on each spin. That’s $600 in action multiplied by 92.63% to get an average payback amount of $44.22. You’ll lose HALF the money on the dollar slot as you would the penny slot! That’s a significant difference, and one you should take note of.

Just be careful and read the pay tables. Slot machines vary a lot from one machine to another, and you should always play enough coins to activate the biggest jackpot. If the ratios change based on playing for fewer coins, you want to avoid that game or bet max coin. You might be surprised at how many slot machines DON’T require you to place a max coin bet, too, though.

7- Try Online Slot Machines

Since online casinos don’t have all the brick and mortar expenses of land-based casinos, their games sometimes offer higher payback percentages. You must balance this with the trustworthiness of the casino, though. Some internet casinos are notoriously hard to cash out of.

Of course, if you stick with the casinos recommended on this site, you probably won’t have to worry about that. Our team of casino reviewers and researchers has thoroughly vetted the properties we list here on our site.

And if you take how competitive they are as a measure for how loose their games must be to attract customers, you’ll find that the casinos on the web are even more competitive than the casinos in Las Vegas.

8- Track Your Results and Make Some Assumptions

I recently visited a casino and tracked my results carefully on a machine. Of course, there’s nothing especially scientific about 200 spins on a machine, but you’re still operating from more data than most players if you do this.

It’s not hard to project a payback percentage, either. Start by writing down how much money you put in the machine. Then count how many spins you make on that machine. When you cash out of the machine, take a note of how much you’ve lost. You multiply the number of spins you made by how much you were betting per spin. You divide the total amount of money you lost by how many spins you made. Then you know the average loss per spin and can convert it into a payback percentage.

What Is The Key To Winning On Slot Machines

In my case, I was betting $1.25 per spin, so I put $250 in to action over 200 spins. I lost $50, which amounts to 25 cents per spin. 25 cents divided by $1.25 is 20%, which is the house edge. The payback percentage is the amount you get to keep—in this case, 80%. (You just subtract it from 100%.) Your goal is to find a payback percentage that’s better than average. Tracking your results this way also makes playing slot machines more interesting, because you have something to pay attention to.

There’s no scientific way to find the slot machines with the best payback percentage—the loosest slot machines. We have some ideas that are something more than guesswork, but they’re also a far cry from anything scientific.You can follow every piece of advice in this post and still lose more money at slot machines than you ever thought possible. My suggestion is to keep a careful budget for your gambling, and only play with money you can afford to lose.

Gambling at a casino—especially on slot machines—should be considered an entertainment expense. Budget for it accordingly, and if you occasionally win, great. But don’t count on it.

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  • I asked if San Manuel had a 5 cent Cave Man slot and it went all around but did not answer my guestion . Thank you you were informative play for fun .

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Introduction to Win, Walk Away, Return Later

The winning slots strategy of Win, Walk Away, Return Later has been my mainstay. I’ve depended on it when earning the most taxable jackpots. As with other winning strategies, it isn’t about how lucky you are. Instead, why it works is based on how a specific casino has set up their operating system to run their slot machines.

As I’ve mentioned in the past, I cannot give you more luck. Luck is completely random. Luck isn’t something either you or me have control over. I can’t make you luckier by wishing it were so. However, what I can provide is an edge by explaining the actions casinos get to choose from when setting up their system of slot machines.

As previously discussed, casinos have a selection of possible setups thanks to their new casino operating systems. These rather expensive new systems, which includes a central computer to which every slot machine is connected and controlled, provide casinos with three financial advantages:

  1. Being able to handle larger and larger casino crowds.
  2. Having the opportunity to tune their financial performance metrics daily or multiple times per day.
  3. Reducing their slot mechanic workforce who’d previously changed slot machine odds of winning by opening and physically adjusting each machine, one-by-one.

With Win, Walk Away, Return Later, I will discuss the winning pattern I recognized and used extensively at one casino set up to allow observant slots players to win more often than otherwise.

This article has the following sections:

  • Introduction to Win, Walk Away, Return Later
  • My Most Successful Strategy
  • What Might You Accomplish with this Winning Strategy?
  • How to Implement Win, Walk Away, Return Later
  • Why Does This Strategy Work at All?
  • Finding a Slot Machine with Improved Odds of Winning
  • Known Disadvantages of Win, Walk Away, Return Later
  • Does this Strategy Work at Your Casino?
  • Summary of Win, Walk Away, Return Later

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My Most Successful Strategy

My Win, Walk Away, Return Later winning strategy has been, with regards to my slots gambling, my most successful strategy. It’s what I’ve employed to gain the most number of jackpots if not the most amount of profit.

With it, I cycled bankrolls, again and again, to earn more players club points to advance in tier levels to top-tier. Twice.

Because this was my most used personal winning strategy, I need to tell you what my own gambling goals were at the time. Now, of course, my gambling goal is centered around being of service to you. Now, I gamble to learn and, then, explain.

But, back when I was using Win, Walk Away, Return Later, my gambling goal was three-fold. Yes, from almost the beginning, I wanted to learn. If I could learn enough to be useful, I’d still have to figure out how to explain it to someone else. Maybe a lot of someone else’s.

My other gambling goals at the time also started with wanting to make money, a profit. Not much later, I added wanting to maximize complimentary gifts. So, my gambling goals of the day were:

  • Learning
  • Making money
  • Earning comps

To accomplish these three equal goals, all I did was play high limit slot machines. These were typically 2-credit, $10-denomination and 3- or 5-credit, $5-denomination slot machines. I usually played only a few specific slot machines, as its easier to apply this winning strategy to a limited number of slot machines – as I’ll explain momentarily.

The slot machine game theme I played the most was a row of Wheel of Fortune slot machines from IGT. I wish I could be more specific about which WOF slot machines I was playing.

It would be months before I uncovered just how many different WOF games existed. For example, IGT has a webpage showing 53 different versions of their WOF game theme. Of those machines I played, I only remember credits, denominations, and how many reels they had. It also has a big wheel on top. Again, that’s not very specific.

Win, Walk Away, Return Later was my most successful winning strategy where winning meant I was learning while earning both a profit and players club reward points for all the best comps.

What Might You Accomplish with this Winning Strategy?

Why is this important? Specifically, why are my gambling goals vital to you? Because, now, you have a better idea of what I was trying to accomplish. To make take-home money, I decided I needed taxable jackpots from high limit slot machines.

To earn players rewards credits, and thereby earn an assortment of food, travel, event, and hand-carry gifts, I needed to be able to cycle bankrolls.

It’s been a while since I’ve mentioned this, but there’s more than one kind of winning slot machine. Sometimes, it’s more evident than others. It’s typically apparent when someone wins a taxable jackpot, but it’s not obvious if the player is making a profit.

For clarity, I’ll state this observation another way. When playing one slot machine for a long period, it is noticeable if that slot machine has relatively high odds of winning within the time he or she is playing.

What is less obvious is whether someone spending a long time playing a single slot machine is cycling bankrolls. Not while interspersed with also winning taxable jackpots.

But, a series of jackpots under the $1,200 taxable limit can also go relatively unnoticed by most observers if the player immediately cancels the distinct sequence of lights and sounds from a jackpot roll-up.

To not draw undue attention, I always canceled the roll-up. Do you? I know it’s fun to let the lights and sounds play. It’s very gratifying, in its way. But, for me, it wasted time. I’d have preferred to be gambling while the playing was excellent.

With this winning strategy, winning for me meant a combination of taxable jackpots as well as cycling bankrolls. It also meant both if I could have both at once. Having both at once, which did happen, was an especially winning slot machine. But, having either one alone was, too.

For you to use this winning strategy, you’ll need to know your own gambling goals. If you want taxable jackpots, then you want a slot machine that provides them. If you wish comps, then you only need a slot machine that cycles bankrolls.

High-limit slot machines are not necessary when implementing this winning strategy. Not at all. Don’t feel like you need to place bets on high-limit slots because I did. I’ve only mentioned them here as this is primarily where my experience lies when implementing it for myself.

How to Implement Win, Walk Away, Return Later

When implementing Win, Walk Away, Return Later, I had three gambling goals. I’ve already mentioned making money and earning comps. But what about my learning goal?

This goal is to learn what works, how it works, and then explain it to others in the most transparent and concise manner I can manage. And, that learning goal all started with Win, Walk Away, Return Later.

What is the key to winning on slot machines play

While I’ve mentioned this winning strategy is the last in this series, I learned it first. As such, I decided from the very beginning that, of all the winning strategies I might learn, this is the one I would give away for free. And, so I have – from the beginning.

When anyone asked how I was a top tier status player, how I’d gotten that free comp, why I was on that cruise, or how I was winning so many jackpots during a single session, I would tell them exactly what I was doing as my best slot machine gambling advice.

Here it is.

After winning a decent-sized jackpot, go home. Go home, then come back one week later to play the exact same machine starting about five to ten minutes before the time when the prior jackpot was initially won the week before.

Be aware that this advice doesn’t necessarily apply on days of special events, such as holidays or other special casino events. Examples when this strategy might not perform well include:

  • Banking holidays
  • Major sporting events
  • Significant promotional casino events

On those less-than-usual days at a casino, I’d instead recommend you consider implementing either Winning Strategy 4: Special Events Winning Advantages or Winning Strategy 5: Reliable Holiday Patterns.

However, this gambling “rule” does apply for events exactly one week apart. For example, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, from the point-of-view of implementing Win, Walk Away, Return Later, are very similar. Relatively similar casino conditions, an overall level of activity, tends to exist on both days.

For that specific winning slot machine and for whatever reason in fact exists for it to be a winner, that time of day on that day of the week had a higher than usual odds of winning a jackpot – so play it again at that time on that day of the week, to see if the reason it was happening in the first instance is still in effect.

Why Does This Strategy Work at All?

A good question to ask is why this strategy works at all. Here’s my reasoning for why.

As we know now occurs at newer casinos, their owners have installed an operating system which includes a central computer to control the odds of winning on each slot machines.

The intent of this central computer is to adjust the odds as needed to meet the casino’s financial performance metrics, some legally required within their gaming jurisdiction.

And, that’s it. That’s my reasoning. Casino operators are adjusting the odds on their slots depending on how their day is going, financially.

As interesting as it may be from an academic point-of-view, we don’t need to know what exactly they are adjusting for or even how they are doing financially for the day.

Knowing that the slot machines are indeed adjusted so often means our task is, instead, to go out and find those specific slot machines adjusted to have the best odds of winning at specific times of day on specific days of the week.

This winning strategy is, using a higher-level explanation, all about rhythm. It takes advantage of the casino’s rhythm. As most gamblers know, every day of the week has a different feel at casinos.

Monday’s at a casino are a little bit different from Tuesdays. And Tuesdays are a little bit different from Wednesdays. But, Fridays are different from all other weekdays. And Saturdays are not like Sundays, yet both are different from any weekday.

What you are feeling each day is real. Casinos have an operating rhythm, based on many events we don’t have to understand. This winning strategy works to sync your slots gambling sessions into that rhythm. It attempts to exploit it, to anticipate seeing it recur the next week at the same time on the same slot machine.

Finding a Slot Machine with Improved Odds of Winning

So, how do we go about doing that? Here are a few ways to find the specific day(s) and time(s) when a specific slot machine has improved odds of winning.

Since many of the gamblers I speak with often have decades more gambling experience than I currently have, I get straight to the heart of what I have to offer during get-to-know-you conversations with accomplished gamblers.

I explain that, yes, I have one thing to say that I share during conversations like this, which is this winning strategy 7. I also say that I should probably find something else to share that isn’t quite so powerful a gambling strategy.

These are gamblers who already understand the process for winning jackpots resulting in a W-2G tax form. So, I tell them to look at their jackpot receipts for the slot machine serial number along with the date and time of the jackpot they received.

Since the reader cards supply signals to TTL logic devices then we can use standard logic levels of 2.0 volts as a high and.8 volts as a low. Bally slot machine 831 only one wheel turning. Tapping the top of the card lightly with the handle of a screw driver will show any intermittent connections.The one question that may come up is what constitutes a bad device. I make it a habit to clean the bulbs with alcohol on the 50 volt cards so that as much light as possible gets to the photo-transistor.Testing reel readers without having a 50 volt source.The 50 volt supply is only used to power the incandescent bulbs. When measuring the output of the photo transistor, if the voltage is less than 2.0 volts, while unblocked or higher than 0.8 volts when blocked then that photo-transistor (or emitter) is defective.In the cards that I have repaired I typically see voltages of greater than 4 volts unblocked and.01 volts blocked for the 50 volt reader cards, 5 volt reader cards the unblocked voltage is 3.14 and the blocked voltage 0.2.Test all of the emitters and photo-transistors first, the replace all defective ones. Reassemble and then retest to make sure that the optics are working properly.

What I am telling them is that the day of the week and the time of that jackpot for that slot machine is a good time to play that machine with improved odds of winning.

Most of the time, to repeat for emphasis, the cause of that specific time being a good time period doesn’t really matter – it just is – and your gambling records show it is an excellent time and place.

So, I say, use your information!

Another way to determine which specific slot machine has a specific day and time where it has improved odds of winning is to win a jackpot. You may already be doing this right now.

Since you’re playing it, you already like that machine. And, you’re available to be at the casino at that time and day of the week. So, why wouldn’t you make an effort to play it again one week after winning a jackpot, perhaps starting 5-10 minutes earlier?

When winning a jackpot, whether it is taxable or not, make a note of the date, time, and serial number to know when to return to play that same machine a week later.

The intent here is to play through the same time of day, on the same day of the week and same slot machine, as when you’re previously won – but perhaps starting a few minutes earlier.

However, if you don’t have a history of playing at a particular casino, how might you go about implementing it? How do you find those slot machines paying out jackpots?

Remember, you’re looking for slot machines having either relatively large winnings or a bankroll cycling. Slot machines with many small non-taxable jackpots let their players maintain a near-constant balance for long periods of time.

How do you find a slot machine with improved odds of winning? Well, take a seat and watch. Frankly, the precise times and specific slot machines that are showing a winning jackpot don’t have to be yours.

I’ve always wondered if, after one of my many recorded jackpots, I would return to find someone familiar sitting at that slot machine and playing it through the “good” time period I’d uncovered – and, perhaps foolishly, previously told them about.

This was of especial concern to me since this was the one strategy I’d shared in many conversations with my fellow gamblers. However, I never saw it happen, perhaps because of my habit of gambling at odd times of the day.

Known Disadvantages of Win, Walk Away, Return Later

First off, I don’t want you to get into trouble. I don’t want you to get in trouble financially or, well, legally. As always, don’t ever take any money to a casino which you are not able to easily afford to lose. That’s still my number one gambling rule.

Second, this winning strategy can be problematic. It cannot work if you’re not at that casino a week later. Maybe you were vacationing. Perhaps you were traveling for business.

Whatever the case may be, sometimes you won’t be around a week later. As I found out for myself, so much for trying this winning strategy during your annual, four-day, Seven Stars complimentary trip to Las Vegas.

A subtle potential issue to be very, very careful about is this. A requirement of Win, Walk Away, Return Later is to record possibly many specific times, days, and slot machines into some calendar.

If you are going to be doing this at a casino, you’ll need to use a pen or pencil along with a piece of paper for this. DON’T USE YOUR SMARTPHONE TO TAKE NOTES WHILE IN A CASINO!

Using an electronic device as a gambling tool, which is what you’d be being doing if you use your smartphone to record these times, days, and slot machine on one while you’re at a casino. In most states, using an electronic device as a gambling tool is a felony.

Please take this concern very seriously. Casinos don’t mess around with what they and their state gaming regulations consider cheating. For example, in the news lately, Charles Oakley formerly a Knick’s team member, was arrested for cheating.

Never give a casino a reason, whether it seems reasonable or not, to think you are a cheater. I really should make this my gambling rule number 2.

Another less serious disadvantage of this strategy is that it also applies to smaller jackpots, but these are more difficult to record efficiently. Most of the time, these lower limit slot machines don’t pay out taxable jackpots.

What Is The Key To Winning On Slot Machines

Instead, any winnings tend to be smaller. It’s more likely a low-limit winning slot machine will be cycling bankrolls when the bankroll used never get depleted – sometimes for hours on end.

If a player’s gambling goal is to increase players club points, then picking times, days and specific slot machines when bankroll cycling has occurred a week or two before is useful.

Players can accumulate those points for complimentary gifts. Online casino free play real money. Or, to eventually advance to the next player tier with that tier’s own set of complimentary gifts now available to the player for having advanced.

You know when your bankroll is cycling. But, initially finding a winning slot machine is not exactly what this winning strategy is about. It’s mostly about what to do when you have found a winning slot machine.

To start, let’s discuss finding a winning slot machine when you don’t know of any. You can visit the high limit slots area, and wait for a slot attendant to service a taxable jackpot. But, finding a winning slot machine which is also low-limit can be a little more complicated.

For low limit slot machines, you’ll need to be more observant than really needed in a high limit area. First, find the area of the casino with slot machine denominations for which you are comfortable having a bankroll for.

Next, watch for any player not immediately canceling their roll-up. A roll-up is the sequence of lights and sounds which automatically occur after any jackpot. A player can quickly cancel the roll-up if they press another button on the machine’s console.

That’s potentially a low limit slot machine with improved odds of winning. I’d recommend watching it for a while to see if that one roll-up was a singular event, or if it’s one of many. If it was one of many, you can decide for yourself if coming back to it a week later would be worthwhile.

If you know to watch for it, but only if you know to watch for it, someone who always immediately cancels their roll-up is rather obvious. At least, I always thought it was apparent whenever I did it. You’ll have to watch the reels, of course, or you may miss seeing the jackpot.

Plus, it can be hard to stop the roll-up instantaneously. By mistake, sometimes, the first little Bing sound or light flash can be heard or seen. Listen and watch for that, too.

Does this Strategy Work at Your Casino?

To touch again on the reason for “good” or “bad” periods to play a specific slot machine, in this instance in a somewhat deeper manner, there are several possibilities.

Some likely reasons have been discussed in detail, such as during and the morning after special events, including:

  • Various holidays
  • Giveaways
  • Local sporting events

Other reasons for these “good” and “bad” times are based on the casino operators being in near full control of their financial returns, with the possible exception of having immediate, to the second, real-time knowledge.

What Is The Key To Winning On Slot Machines Jackpot

Such reasons can sometimes be discerned by a savvy gambler that spends hours of time several days of the week at a casino. Other reasons, however, are not a matter of public knowledge, i.e., company proprietary to the corporate officers of the casino operator.

What Is The Key To Winning On Slot Machines Machine

Is attendance less than usual? If so, that’s cause for the casino operator to set up more “bad” time periods. Similarly, the reverse is true regarding higher than typical attendance.

Other questions are:

  • How is the overall economy going?
  • Has there been a sudden downturn in the stock price of the casino operator? Or, a sharp upswing in its stock price?
  • Has there been a scandal?
  • The beginning of bankruptcy proceedings?
  • Is the casino operator about to undergo a change in ownership or an important change in the ratio of its ownership percentages?
  • Is it April, when the gambling “season” typically starts?
  • Is the casino new or been recently heavily renovated, and trying to establish a good reputation with potential patrons within its first year?
  • Is the end of the financial month, quarter or year approaching and the planned fiscal revenues appear to be falling short? Or, perhaps exceeding expectations?

If you have extensive business skills, then you quite likely can distinguish between good and bad time periods due to your professional business acumen. To them, I offer my sincere appreciation of their skills.

For the rest of us, let’s take a step back for a moment and look at the big picture. It doesn’t matter why a casino does this, just whether they do it. A good analogy here is a slot machine’s random number generator.

Somewhere in the casino but more likely at slot machine manufacturers, who also supply new casino operating systems, someone knows what the odds of winning are. They know the timing, the details, the everything about what makes that slot machine win.

But, like knowing the inner workings of a casino business, we don’t have access to the circuit board designs for modern slot machines. It’s simply not available to us. And, even if we had either, it’d probably be illegal to share.

Let’s not go that insider route because, well, we can’t. Instead, let’s look for patterns. Humans are good at pattern recognition. That’s what we’re good at when all else is said and done. So, as experts in pattern recognition, let’s take that approach.

Whether this strategy works at your local casino or a casino you might visit, is up to you to find out. Further, I heartily recommend not doing any more slots gambling than you are already doing.

What I am recommending is a way to pick a slot machine to play when you do gamble. It may take some small amount of effort to observe over a few visits to a casino. It may also take some careful recordkeeping, some notes with pen and paper, to make this work.

Summary of Win, Walk Away, Return Later

This approach to playing slot machines is the last winning strategy planned in this series of seven winning methods. With it, savvy slots enthusiasts such as yourself can take advantage of casinos that have set up their slot machines to perform this way.

Naturally, a casino wouldn’t knowingly set up their slot machines to be winners, but my best understanding is that this winning strategy is invisible to them.

Why? Because it’s a less-than-obvious consequence of their using new casino operating systems to automate slot machines odds of winning to, in part, meet their daily performance metrics.

Will casinos ever notice this winning strategy, and take steps to eliminate it? Maybe. Perhaps not. Casinos get substantial financial advantages from using these operating systems that, from a business perspective, it would be a tough financial advantage to give up. It might well be impossible for them to do so.

But, it doesn’t have to be deliberate stoppage of our winning with this strategy. What I’ve found is, at my local casino where I once extensively used this strategy, it disappeared overnight when that casino underwent a significant ownership change.

So, as usual with all my winning strategies, observe first. Look for what works. Don’t spend any more than you were going to spend anyway. And, if you find something that works, tell me. I’m kidding! But we’d all like to know about it. Tell me and I’ll share it with all of us!

Seriously, if you find something that works, keep a close eye on it. Ride it while it lasts, but expect change to happen eventually. Too many of my friends, fellow high limit slots players, weren’t able to adjust their play when overall circumstances changed.

Winning at slots is not entirely about luck anymore. Yes, it’s still a part of the experience. But, now, so is casino-wide, automated operating systems. Learn to make the most of them, if or when a legal advantage is (for a while) possible.

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What Is The Key To Winning On Slot Machines Play

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What Is The Key To Winning On Slot Machines To Play

Have fun, be safe, and make good choices!
By Jon H. Friedl, Jr. Ph.D., President
Jon Friedl, LLC